Programs and their Evolution

Know all the Trends

Every business needs to be aware of the latest trends. In addition to the season’s results, which allow users to get an idea of the evolution of certain audience variables throughout the season, iReports leaves at their users’ disposal modules which illustrate how programs, breaks and channels evolved in a given period. 

Season Results

iReports sports a module containing information on a given season’s results. But in Markdata we want to bring you a step closer to your objectives and hence we provide our other modules with information on seasons through the use of colors and symbols. This means that you are able to digest information faster and to know immediately whether a show’s results are faring well or badly when compared with its past performances.

Discover Top Performers

Knowing who is at the top and at the bottom of the day’s audiences is a crucial piece information. iReports presents this information to you in an direct way complemented with gorgeous design.

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